Wednesday, 14 October 2009

You remember Bogdan?

How could one ever forget him! Bogdan was probably the best volunteer of our team because he had not come as such and therefore we had not expected him to become one. Bogdan studies film production together with Tedy and joined the Firebird project as part of his team to document it. Like Tedy, he chose to stay with the kids at the Neghinita centre for the entire period of the project and took part in their daily - and "nightly" life. Very mature and responsible although only nineteen, with a great sense of humour and a heart at the right place......

He was one of the first "visitors" of the diary. Here are his impressions in Romanian, for the "artists" to understand them, but they deserve to be translated in English as well because Bogdan, like many other volunteers and helpers of the project, is a worthy representative of a Romania which few people know.

" Buna seara cititorule.

Scriu aceste randuri dintr-un loc extraordinar.Este o casa de copii,dar acest lucru nu conteaza. Sper sa poti, prin intermediul acestor cuvinte, sa simti bucuria si entuziasmul, pe care eu le-am experimentat inca din prima zi.
Acum cateva luni habar nu aveam in ce ma bag. As vrea sa iti imaginezi cea mai delicioasa tocanita, pe care ai mancat-o,ceva de genul acesta este aici, o tocanita de povesti. Fiecare copil are povestea lui inscrisa pe chip, nu o auzi din gura lui, ci o astepti pe fata. Acum,din punctul meu de vedere,fiecare se afla in fata unei noi povesti,o poveste incredibila, ce poarta numele ,,Pasarea de foc...
Mi s-a dat oportunitatea de a vedea cea mai incredibila alchimie din viata mea. Am urmarit incet, incet, cum povestea fiecaruia se scrie cu cuvinte de aur.
Cei ce nu cred in magie ar trebui sa vada personajele acestei povesti, fiecare cu greutatile lui, toate acum, prin puterea dansului,transformandu-se in aur." Bogdan

"Good evening, dear reader,

I am writing these lines from an extraordinary place. It is a children´s home, but this is unimportant. I hope that, through the intermediary of these words, I can make you feel the enthusiasm and the joy which I have experienced here from the very first day.

A few months back, I had no idea what I was getting into. Try to imagine the best "tocanita" (Romanian version of goulash) you have ever eaten. Well here, it is something similar: a gloulash of destinies. Each child has his own story written on his face. You do not hear it from him, but you read it from him. And at this moment, in my opinion, each of them is writing a new story, an incredible tale called "Pasarea de foc"...
I was given the chance to witness the most incredible alchemy I have ever seen in my life. I am witnessing how, step by step, the tale of each of them is being written in golden words.

Those who do not believe in Magic should see the characters of this tale, whose burden of lead, through the power of dance, is transforming itself into gold.

Bogdan Benea

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