Friday, 16 October 2009

some more comments from our artists

The dream of a prince, of the Firebird prince......

"Ar fi un vis, care as dori sa-l implinesc
Si iata s-a implinit…..
Ar fi un vis ceea ce ne dorim?
Dar asta nu putem sa stim.
Ar fi un vis ceea ce ni se intampla?
Ar fi un vis ceea ce ne comunica ?
Ar fi…….
Ar fi un vis, cu care sa nu ne impacam
Ar fi un vis, cu care sa nu ne certam
Ar fi…….
Ar fi un vis o realitate sau un adevar ?
O realitate,un adevar......
O dorinta sau o credinta?
Ar fi........un vis........
Un vis,pe care il dorim
Cu totii impreuna sa-l traim
Clipa cu clipa as dori,
Sa simt ceea ce n-am simtit.
O familie unita intr-un vis…..
Dar....un vis e ca o floare
O floare care invie si apoi moare...."

Cornel Cimpoieru (19)

.....and the dream of his princess: the Firebird

" A few days before going to Bucharest, I wanted to renounce to the project; but then I thought: now that I have entered the game, I must play it till the end...At first I found it hard to renounce something good, but I have found something much much better! I first shed tears of sadness and now they are tears of happiness!

I am living a dream....or could it be reality?"

"Inainte cu cateva zile sa ajung in Bucuresti,am vrut sa renunt la acest proiect,dar am zis,ca,daca am intrat in joc,trebuie sa ajung pana la final…..uite, ca acum sunt aici si sunt foarte fericita….totul e perfect!

Am renuntat la un bine cu inima in dinti si am ajuns la un bine mult,mult mai mare! inceput au fost lacrimi de tristete,iar acum sunt lacrimi de fericire!

Traiesc un vis!
Oare chiar e realitate ?"

Ana Maria Veres (18)

,,Parerea mea,,

,,Pasarea de foc,,este primul dans comunitar din Romania, care ne-a fascinat pe toti, ne-a facut sa ne exprimam trairile asa cum sunt de fapt fara nici un fel de masca. Eu am invatat foarte multe lucruri din aceasta experienta. Nu am avut nici un fel de emotii la spectacol, pentru ca am avut incredere in echipa cu care am lucrat si stiam ca totul o sa iasa bine.
Nu pot uita aceasta experienta, pentru ca a fost una dintre cele mai frumoase momente din viata mea.


Adela (17)

" I don´t know how, but this morning I woke up on the stage, in front of hundreds of people. I think it is going to be a great evening and I don´t know where the last month of preparation has flown.

When the music inundates your ears and you are dazzled by the lights, you enter in a kind of trance. It is bound to be good because in dance, soul and body literally melt together in an emotion from which energy is flowing."

Nu stiu,cum m-am trezit azi pe scena,in fata a sute de oameni.Se pare ca va fi o ."seara mare si nici macar nu stiu pe unde a zburat o luna de pregatiri.
Cand muzica ne inunda urechile si luminile te orbesc,e un fel de transa in care intri.Trebuie sa iasa bine, caci in dans sufletul si trupul se contopesc cu adevarat,in emotia care curge in energie.

Christina (18)

Dear reader,

"I am very happy to dance along your side. I would like to encourage you to dance. Nobody was ever born "learned". It is like in daily life: every day, we learn something new and this is also true for dance, you can learn it quite quickly, even if at the beginning I found it quite difficult. To succeed, you need will and patience.

There is a saying I like: Learn everything, learn as much as you can, so that you can make your way through life.

We will be a team until the end and I am csure we´ll succeed!!!"

Boldijar Gheorghe(18)


  1. When will you put new posts on the blog?
    Because i can't wait to find out new things about the firebird...

  2. I heve been busy with reports, letters of thanks and trying to find a solution for the production of the film lately, but I was just about to put some new comments on the blog tonight.
    But I would love to know who you are? may be YOU could send me something inbteresting for the blog. I would love it to become less passive and more active and get some comments from the participants!!!!
    Otherwise, if I am just monolging with myself, I might incidentally get discouraged........I need feed back and if possible, good news......

  3. I am Silviana and i already sent you something for the blog, but it was a lot of time ago...
    I'm so sorry, but i became good friends with the others at the end of the project, so I don't know too much about them.
    But I hope they are alright and happy.

  4. as vrea ca intro buna zi sa imi pot exprima sentimentele si experienta placuta care am simtit-o acolo in doua zile am reusit sa compun o melodie pt PASAREA DE FOC cu ajutorul lui mami adica doamna Mihaiela si iubita mea Niko pe care am cunoscut-o pe parcursul proiectului .va multumesc mult pt ca ati facut posibila participarea mea la proiect ,nu am crezut niciodata ca voi face asa ceva si sunt foarte multumit de felul in care sa desfasurat proiectul dar si realizarea acestuia.

  5. as vrea ca intro buna zi sa imi pot exprima sentimentele si experienta placuta care am simtit-o acolo in doua zile am reusit sa compun o melodie pt PASAREA DE FOC cu ajutorul lui mami adica doamna Mihaiela si iubita mea Niko pe care am cunoscut-o pe parcursul proiectului .va multumesc mult pt ca ati facut posibila participarea mea la proiect ,nu am crezut niciodata ca voi face asa ceva si sunt foarte multumit de felul in care sa desfasurat proiectul dar si realizarea acestuia.
