Monday 3 August 2009

First impressions of Bucharest by volunteer Viv Trinder

The fast and furious pace of the traffic belting along the dual carriageway into the centre. There the surprisingly green avenues, the stray dogs, oblivious to the danger, venturing on to the streets. The beautiful grandeur of some of the old houses, quite reminiscent of Paris – as, too, the central avenues and the Arc de Triumf. The Soviet style Ceaucescu built Palace of Parliament. A tourist’s impressions. But I will have the privilege of not being a tourist, of glimpsing the real Romania, as a volunteer in this exciting project.

In Centrul Neghinita, a boarding school where the youngsters from Sibiu and the German party are staying, the friendliness and excitement, positive energy and lack of cynicism are to be wondered at after 6 hours of the first day’s rehearsal. The enthusiasm with which they told me about the first day in almost accentless English. A spontaneous display of break dance shows their limitless energy. Will they ever want to go to bed?

1 comment:

  1. it's really a pleasure to read all your blogs. it's like attending the project(of course in addition to the really exciting daily reporting by phone from my darlings Klaus&Sophia); I really look up to you all!!!Fantastic job, particularly yours, Moune!!!Keep at it!
