"Hey guys,
I heard about your revival meeting this weekend. That sounds great to me. I would really like to be there!
Even more because of the photo-pictures, that I showed to 30 - 40 people in Bubenreuth. There could have been some more people if you ask me. But they did not ask me. Anyway: those who came have been so impressed about you and your performances, that some of them even cried...
This was last Wednesday. Monique and Wilfried were here too. And mentally I have been even closer to you than ever...
I am convinced that you have a nice weekend together. And I am so happy for you...Say hello to everybody from my side, from Sophia and my family!
Kisses to all of you, Klaus"
When Klaus wrote this mail, he did not know yet that the meeting has been postponed to the end of February. I was sorry to hear that and can understand that you were sad. But if you work hard at school, time will pass much more quickly and the 27th will arrive before you even have time to think!
I am now attaching Klaus´s new year message. I had not published it in the blog because Mihaela was going to read it to you at the meeting last Saturday night. But now, here it is:
"Draga familia Pasarea de foc!
Eu va doresc la toti un an nou 2010 plin de bucurie si impleniri! In anul 2009 am incercat impreuna sa demonstram ce ar putea insemna sa fie "bun".
Talentul vostru, bunavointa voastra, umorul, increderea, rabdarea, competenta, spiritul de echipa, capacitateas voastra de a duce un lucru la bun sfirsit si de a da tot ce este mai bun din voi in orice imprijurare, toate acestea m-au impresionat si in aceasti manera m-au incintat in vara si am ramas marcat in mod placut pe viata.
Eu sper din inima sa ne reintelnim in anul acest, poate la premiera filmului Tedy sau in alta ocasia.
Sofia si eu, impreuna cu „mica“ noastra familie, ne gandim deseori la „mare“ noastra familia Pasarea de foc si sunteti mereu in gandurile nostri.
Va doresc un an 2010 fericit si inca mai bun decat 2009, cu mult bucurie, si experiente placute si bogate.
Cu drag si dor,
Klaus, Sofia si familia"
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